Monday, 9 February 2015

The Jewellery Edit

I've been wearing far more jewellery than usual recently, rings especially. I don't typically wear any, but I've recently become obsessed with these Primark mid rings again. There isn't every much too them, they're very minimalistic, but I think that's part of their appeal. I'd definitely like to get some sterling silver ones, so if you know where I can find some, then please let me know.

I'd never heard of a Love Locket* until recently, but the concept behind them is brilliant. Essentially, you choose the locket itself and then fill it with charms you've also picked yourself. I have a medium silver locket, and my charms are; a peace sign, a flower and a palm tree. If you'd like to make your very own necklace and would also like to save 20%, then 'Becca20' is the code for you.

Finally, an oldie but a goldie. I've had this watch for absolutely ages, but I still love it. A lot. It was £25 from Asos, and it has lasted exceptionally well. A few of the rhinestones have fallen out, but we can just call that it's charm and character. I'm still debating a MK purchase, but I'm not sure...



  1. love this post, I'm really into rings and silver jewellery at the moment!


  2. Love this, I really like your locket it's so gorgeous.
    I've also been thinking about getting an MK watch but with a £25 version that looks like yours I'm not so sure now haha

  3. Wow those rings look so pretty with white nails!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  4. I've been loving jewelry lately too and that locket and watch is something I'd love myself.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  5. That love locket looks gorgeous! If you google 'Essential Jewellers' they do absolutely gorgeous sterling silver rings that are affordable too.

    UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  6. I love that Love Locket, what an adorable idea!

    Sophie x
