Sunday, 13 July 2014

This Week I... (#42)

Built the best blanket fort ever. Yep. Sorry not sorry. It was honestly so much fun, and I think the construction was top notch. The only problem with the whole situation was that it was such a hot day. Like swelteringly warm. We've already decided we're going to build 'Blanket Fort V.2', bae and I.

Had a fab day in London. Well, I would definitely say it was fab... I'm not sure my Dad would agree. I pretty much dragged him round Oxford Street, Carnaby Street and Sloane Square the entire day. But, I did manage to find lots of lovely things - so expect a haul post soon!

Compiled this summer's bucket list. There are 50 things on the above list - chosen by my pals and I - and I've already managed to cross quite a few off. Hooray. There are some really great things on there, so I'll definitely be documenting our adventures here on BF&L. We're already planning a second list, this time with even more hilarious ideas...

Slept under the stars. It was definitely a rather spontaneous decision, and to honest I didn't even sleep aha. Long story cut short: there was a 24 hour charity event, and Emily and I decided we were going to go along and watch as we weren't taking part. Essentially, all of our friends that were there persuaded us to stay the night. The only problem was we didn't have any camping stuff... Or anything with us for that matter. So this marks the second all-nighter of the summer... Hooray. Also, this event required a lot of walking, and it's fair to say I'm not sure I made a wise footwear choice. RIP feet.

Ran the Race For Life. It was such a lovely experience. I've written a full post on my day here, if you'd like to have a read. I've never done an 'official run' before, and I honestly enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Could this be the start of a new venture?...



  1. This is fab! I'd love to get lost somewhere and sleep under the stars. Sounds glorious xx

  2. Sounds like you had a much more interesting week than I did, especially with bae;) Can't wait to see your haul xx (swag)

  3. I'm going to create a bucket list. I think it's so lovely to do!

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

    1. Aaah, I'd love to know what's on yours!
      They're so much fun to create

      B x

  4. Ooh looking forward to your haul post, I'm a sucker for those. Also a summer bucket list is such a cute idea.

    Cats in Crop Tops

    1. It's up now!
      Isn't it just, I can't wait to complete it!

      B x

  5. Oh wow I need to make a bucket list and keep it! Making blanket forts are amazingggg xx

    1. Aaah, you definitely should!
      I'd love to know what you put on yours

      B x

  6. Im 22 and still think blanket and pillow forts are awesome. They're just so comfortable, haha. The bucket list seems pretty cool!

    1. Yeah ahahah, they're so much fun to make!
      Thank you

      B x
