Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Recipe: Mini Victoria Sponges & Pretty Cupcakes

I love baking. I love cake. Perfect combination?!?!

Before we start, I'm not sure what this post is going to be exactly, but, I hope you like the photos. They were taken with my new camera, so this post will probably turn out as nothing, but a sort of  photography post.

For the cupcakes I used the simple sponge recipe: 4oz self raising flour, 4oz margarine, 4oz castor sugar and 2 eggs. As well as a drizzle of vanilla extract and a splash of milk.

I made 11 cupcakes in total - typical, didn't fill the 12 cake tin. So, from now on it'll be called a Becca's dozen - 8 with cases and 3 without. The 3 without, I greased the tin to help ensure they didn't stick.

I made a vanilla buttercream and iced the 8 cupcakes with cases. For the 3 without, I sliced them in half and spread jam on one half, and the buttercream on the other. I then sprinkled a thin layer of icing sugar over the top. On the iced cupcakes I added some hundreds and thousands to make them just that little bit prettier.

Do you like baking?
Have you ever made mini Victoria Sponges?


  1. I've never seen a baking post before and you've done a great job :)
    I love the photo's so clear and the cakes look really yummy too!
    I also really like your cake stand

    1. Awww, thank you!!
      Yeah, they're delicious :)))
      Thank you!!!xx

  2. these cakes look delicious!
    I haven't done baking in so long, I think I need to whip out the scales and icing sugar now!

    Peach Pow XO

  3. Oooh these look wonderful! Definitely trying them out :) x

  4. These cakes look amazing! I'm adding them to my recipe list for summer next year. I'll finally have some time off to start baking again! xx


  5. I love baking but I don't have the time to do it anymore, although I have just been buying lots of new cake stands so I need to start again really! Everything about your stand & its contents screams cute!!

    Jade | Beauty Butterfly Blog

  6. I love this because you use Bonne Maman jam and that is the best jam IN THE WORLD ;) xo

  7. These look amazing! I'm hungry now hahaha
    And I do love baking, it relax me a lot.

    Maria x

  8. They turned out lovely! Cute pastel icing! xx

