Thursday, 23 June 2016


Wow, what a demanding two years sixth form has been. I know people alwaaaays say that the jump between GCSE and A Level / AS and A2 is tremendous, but I want to take a second here to reiterate that. A2 has been especially demanding, so if you're thinking of applying for Sixth Form in September, get ready to work your butt off! 
That being said, the last two years have been soooo much fun and I've met some of the greatest people ever. And the fact that we're all going to totally different parts of the country in September (hopefully, assuming we didn't all U it) actually really sucks. 

While on the topic of exams I thought I'd give you a quick insight into what study leave has really been like for me;
- pyjamas all day everyday
- 2836249 colour coded cue cards
- an obscene number of cups of tea
- snacking, a little more snacking, and yet more snacking
- the furthest I've moved is probably 5m
- and more past papers than you can shake a stick at. 

Anyway, I'm so glad it's all over now, and I am so ready for the summer holidays ahead. Graduation is next week, then after that the last time I'll ever have to go into school will be to pick up my results... eek

I have quite a few cool things planned for the summer, and it all kicks off tomorrow with a trip to London on my lonesome. None of my friends have finished their exams yet, so I'm braving it alone. On the plus side, I'll be able to do whatever I please and won't have to drag anyone else around the same shop 25837 times. I'm sure I'll take lots of pictures and have lots to report back, so a post about my adventures is very likely to appear on BF&L very soon. 


  1. I totally agree with you. I completed my A Levels a couple of years ago now. It's such a big change between GCSE's and A Levels but knuckling down through it really is worth it. I'm glad you now have your summer ahead of you! x

    Kate @ Beautiboe

  2. Enjoy your summer! I really hope you get the results you deserve :) xx
